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Embracing the Tipping Point: The Evolution of Angel Syndication

Paul G. Silva

We are standing on the edge of a profound shift in the world of angel investing. For years, the process of raising funds from multiple angel investor groups—known as “syndication”—has been mired in friction. The visionary minds at the Angel Capital Association (ACA), the global beacon for angel investors, have spent over a decade sculpting best practices.

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An Innovative Investing Approach for Women Supporting Women

American Entrepreneurship

Patricia Lizarraga is the Founder and Managing Partner of Hypatia Capital Management. Leveraging her 30+ years of experience on Wall Street, she and her co-founder launched in 2023 an ETF comprised solely of female-led publicly traded companies, WCEO. Hear how she navigated the launch of this unique financial model that highlights the performance of women executives and increases their prominence within the institutional investor community.

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Four Ways To Foster Creative Thinking in Student Entrepreneurs While Developing Their Problem-Solving Skills

Venture Well

With the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) workshop series, educators offer classroom techniques to develop problem-solving skills. The post Four Ways To Foster Creative Thinking in Student Entrepreneurs While Developing Their Problem-Solving Skills appeared first on VentureWell.

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Why Investors Are Watching–And Judging–Your Work-From-Home Policy

Entrepreneurs' Organization

Many companies have struggled to develop their flexible work policies, but what you may not realize is that many investors are watching — and judging them. Indeed, a number of investors have explicitly and publicly integrated work-from-home (WFH) policies into evaluations of prospective investment targets. Dozens of investors have approached me for advice on assessing the effectiveness of such policies.

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Navigating the Future: Generative AI, Application Analytics, and Data

Generative AI is upending the way product developers & end-users alike are interacting with data. Despite the potential of AI, many are left with questions about the future of product development: How will AI impact my business and contribute to its success? What can product managers and developers expect in the future with the widespread adoption of AI?

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Microenterprises – Supporting the Types of Businesses in Your Ecosystem

Source Link

This multi-part series offers ecosystem builders and economic developers insights into the characteristics of each business type and targeted strategies that help those businesses thrive.

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Why Pricing and Packaging Matters More When You’re Launching Your Second Product

Andreessen Horowitz

A strong multiproduct strategy is a cornerstone of a credible growth story for any scaling B2B company. Depending on your goals, new products can deepen the wallet share of your existing customers by focusing on new users or new use cases, or they can expand your TAM by targeting new customers, new geographies, or new verticals. In each case, successfully launching these products means finding product-market fit all over again—but this time, you have a much slimmer margin for error.

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3 Inspirations from Winnie Hart: EO’s 2024 Mark Lincoln Global Volunteer of the Year

Entrepreneurs' Organization

As the world’s premier, purpose-built organization with a mission to empower entrepreneurs from every industry, culture, and sector, the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO) is a member-led community created for entrepreneurs by entrepreneurs. Thousands of member leaders give generously of their time and expertise to help EO connect, inspire, and propel entrepreneurs in their leadership journeys and help move the world forward.

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Disrupt Launches Health Impact Fund in Thailand: Investments in HealthTech Startups


Disrupt Technology Venture (Disrupt) has announced the launch of the Disrupt Health Impact Fund in collaboration with leading Thai business groups.

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Transforming Mental Health: An Exclusive Interview with Tanuj Sharma, CEO of Kana, the AI Co-pilot…

Jason Malki

Transforming Mental Health: An Exclusive Interview with Tanuj Sharma, CEO of Kana, the AI Co-pilot for Mental Healthcare I had the pleasure of interviewing Tanuj Sharma, Co-founder & CEO of Kana , who aims to revolutionize the accessibility and effectiveness of mental healthcare by leveraging ethical AI and data. With 23 years of experience in the technology industry, including roles at AWS and Rackspace, Tanuj leads Kana’s business management, product design, and marketing efforts.

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Your Fractional Finance and Accounting Team

Mighty Financial specializes in supporting the financial aspirations of small businesses and entrepreneurs. With our comprehensive bookkeeping and precise accounting expertise with decades of experience across diverse financial roles, our team offers tailor-made services ranging from essential bookkeeping to strategic fractional CFO support, catered specifically to the unique challenges of technology companies, startups, and SMEs.

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Hiring a Small Business Consultant

American Entrepreneurship

A small business consultant brings a range of benefits that help a business grow A small business owner often thinks long and hard about who to bring into their business to further its growth. Having not previously used a consultant, they hesitate to pay a consultant’s high hourly rate. This article delves into the pros and cons of hiring a small business consultant, hiring steps, and types of small business consultants.

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Angel Capital Association Awards Prestigious Hans Severiens Award to Sage Growth Capital’s Dr. Kevin Learned

Angel Capital Association

For Immediate Release Angel Capital Association Awards Prestigious Hans Severiens Award to Sage Growth Capital’s Dr. Kevin Learned Columbus, OH – At the 2024 Summit of Angel Investing, the Angel Capital Association (ACA) awarded its most prestigious recognition, the Hans Severiens Award, to Sage Growth Capital’s Partner and past member of the Angel Capital Association Board of Directors Dr.

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4 Insights On Using Videos To Elevate Remote Employee Onboarding

Entrepreneurs' Organization

Onboarding is your company’s way to welcome and position new hires for success. It sets the tone for their journey and gives them the tools they need to excel. Done right, it seamlessly integrates incoming talent into your company’s culture and ongoing operations. But doing onboarding right goes beyond a generic “Welcome aboard!” email. Remote work setups require companies to create an onboarding experience that is as optimized and engaging as it is informative.

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From Vision to Venture: Dr. Daniel Swan’s Guide to Innovation in Tech Startups


As part of AsiaTechDaily’s exclusive Innovation Exchange Program held on April 22nd, we had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Daniel Swan, our esteemed Investor of the Month.

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Digitalization: 5 Tech Updates That Will Help You Survive The Recession & Thrive

Lack of digitalization decreases business competitiveness. To thrive, embracing modern solutions becomes essential. The approach to digitalization often aligns with a company's business model. This shift not only boosts productivity but also automates processes and improves security. The tech market offers a wealth of technologies tailored for management, planning, and forecasting, replacing outdated pen-and-paper methods.

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10 reasons why your sales pipeline isn’t delivering consistent sales

NZ Entrepreneur

Has your sales pipeline slowed and you want to increase revenue? Even in a tight market, there are ways to grow a healthy pipeline that delivers consistent sales revenue – just like your sales pipeline should! If you’re wondering what to do to unblock your sales pipeline and get your sales revenue flowing, this check-list is a great place to get started.

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U.S.-based “iThrone” Wins Global Competition at Fundación MAPFRE Social Innovation Awards

American Entrepreneurship

American innovator addresses hygienic sanitation for those living in poverty Seven years ago, Fundación MAPFRE, a global non-profit created by MAPFRE, launched the inaugural Social Innovation Awards in partnership with IE University. The competition recognizes social impact projects in e-Health, Safe and Sustainable Mobility, and the Senior Economy.

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The AI Trust Fall

Tomasz Tunguz

If I asked you, “When someone turns in a work assignment, how accurate is it? 80%, 90%, 95% or perhaps 100%?” We don’t think this way about coworkers’ spreadsheets. But we will probably think this way about AI & this will very likely change the way product managers on-board users. When was the last time you signed up for a SaaS & wondered : Would the data be accurate?

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How To Harness The Power of the 13-Week Race To Scale Up Success

Entrepreneurs' Organization

Scaling up a business is an ambitious pursuit that demands strategic planning, efficient execution, and a relentless commitment to continuous improvement. One powerful approach gaining traction in the business coaching realm is the “13-week race.” Let’s dive a bit deeper into the concept of the 13-week race, its benefits, and how it can be a game-changer for businesses looking to accelerate their growth.

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PE Mastery: CAPTARGET's Playbook for Quality Lead Flow

CAPTARGET presents a masterclass in M&A deal sourcing. Learn to cast a wide net, embracing seller self-identification. Consistency is the linchpin: keep the origination process steady for a reliable flow of opportunities. Diversify your tactics, employing various tools and vendors. Tech matters! Understand DNS settings, domain authority, and brand presence for optimal outreach.

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Tribe, DISG, and NVIDIA Unite to Launch Southeast Asia’s First AI Startup Accelerator


Tribe, a Singapore-based ecosystem builder, and Digital Industry Singapore (DISG)—a joint office of the Economic Development Board, Enterprise Singapore, and the Info-communications Media Development Authority (IMDA)—have teamed up with global […]

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Deploying Angel “Human Capital” To Enhance Outcomes and Returns

Angel Capital Association

As angels, we want to believe in the adage that “our human capital helps to de-risk our financial capital.” But what does that mean, and is there any factual basis for our faith? At Launchpad we wanted to find out, and we looked to see if we could use our data to do it. We knew intuitively from experience that the more we were involved with a company, the better the outcome tended to be.

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Melinda French Gates Sets Path to Empower Women Globally

American Entrepreneurship

$1 billion allocated to support her philanthropic voice of advancing women and family causes Melinda French Gates announced she is going her own way, stepping down from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation she and her husband founded almost 25 years ago. In a guest essay published in the New York Times on May 28th, titled “The Enemies of Progress Play Offense.

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The Science and Supply of GLP-1s with Chronis Manolis

Andreessen Horowitz

Chronis Manolis, SVP and Chief Pharmacy Officer of UPMC Health Plan, joins Julie Yoo, general partner, Daisy Wolf, investment partner, and Will Shrank, venture partner, of a16z Bio + Health. Together, they discuss how payors and providers are thinking about anti-obesity medications, as well as pricing and prior authorization considerations. This is the third episode in our series on the science and supply of GLP-1s.

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How to Stay Competitive in the Evolving State of Martech

Marketing technology is essential for B2B marketers to stay competitive in a rapidly changing digital landscape — and with 53% of marketers experiencing legacy technology issues and limitations, they’re researching innovations to expand and refine their technology stacks. To help practitioners keep up with the rapidly evolving martech landscape, this special report will discuss: How practitioners are integrating technologies and systems to encourage information-sharing between departments and pr

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GCUC UK is Returning to London this Autumn


GCUC UK is Returning to London this Autumn We are thrilled to announce that GCUC UK is returning to London this autumn. Mark your calendars for Thursday 10th and Friday 11th of.

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NIA and AsiaBerlin Join Forces to Boost AI Innovation and Investment


The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, through the National Innovation Agency (NIA), is strengthening international partnerships to support innovation.

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I’ve been sued as a board member.


I’ve been sued as a board member too many times over the past twenty-five years of board service. Five times. Does that shock you? It does me. What’s the exposure? Here are some examples: Entrepreneurs blaming their board for failures of a fragile, early- stage company. Shareholders unhappy over the same loss, reaching out to sue every name available.

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Small Business Management: Delegation is a Balance between Oversight and Independence

American Entrepreneurship

A lot of effort is required to master the art of delegation, similar to the Goldilocks Challenge The growth of a small business or early-stage scalable business often rests on the shoulders of the founding owner or entrepreneur. However, not all founders have prior or sufficient managerial business experience before starting a business. The lack of well-honed managerial skills may slow reaching company goals to grow—at a critical time when it needs to become a multiple-employee company.

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How Embedded Analytics Gets You to Market Faster with a SAAS Offering

Start-ups & SMBs launching products quickly must bundle dashboards, reports, & self-service analytics into apps. Customers expect rapid value from your product (time-to-value), data security, and access to advanced capabilities. Traditional Business Intelligence (BI) tools can provide valuable data analysis capabilities, but they have a barrier to entry that can stop small and midsize businesses from capitalizing on them.