Pardon our appearance (moving to SquareSpace)

As you can see, things are looking quite different around here.  I'm in the middle of porting my blog over to SquareSpace.  I have *most* of the comments moved over with the most excellent help of Daniel Ha and fellow Regian Paolo DeDios.  They would have ported fine, but SquareSpace and Typepad don't have the same URL creation syntaxes and that's the only way Disqus can tell what set of comments to post, so we have a few missing ones here and there that should get fixed soon.

Why'd I move?  I guess you could say that my overall social media presence was expanding and a blog and two sidebars wasn't really doing the job of reflecting that.  I have a lot of things going on and I wanted more room to build out a full website experience rather than just a blog--and SquareSpace is the easiest and most robust way to do that.  Plus, it's always nice to be able to support a NYC company when you can.  I first met Anthony Casalena back in 2006 when I first started nextNY.  He's probably one of the most under the radar entrepreneurs in NYC.  SquareSpace hasn't taken a dime of outside capital other than a tiny tiny amount from family so he could feed himself the first year while he built the site--and how they have close to 20 people and a sah-weet new office which is *huge*. 

I'm excited about where this site will be going in the next few weeks and so I appreciate your patience if it looks a bit bare and wonky at times.

In Cloud We Trust: First Round invests in Backupify

Photo: First Round Capital's new NYC office under construction