#51. From $10k to $175 MILLION: Entrepreneurship through diversity w/ Henri Pierre-Jacques

Learn from the CoFounder of Harlem Capital

Entrepreneurship Handbook
Entrepreneurship Handbook


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Welcome to the Entrepreneur’s Handbook Podcast, where we share inspiring startup stories and practical takeaways for you, the listener.

Today we welcome Henri Pierre-Jacques, the founder of Harlem Capital. After losing money in the stock market, Henri managed to take his own savings of $10k and transform it into the empire that is Harlem Capital.

Harlem Capital is now managing $175m across two funds and sealing 3000 investor deals per year.

Harlem capital focuses not just on securing huge returns, but doing so in a way that promotes diversity and equality in entrepreneurship.

Listen in to find out why investing in diversity is not only a moral choice, but a smart choice too.

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