WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Entrepreneurship is Alive and Kicking in The USA (Episode 286)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff discusses new findings that show that entrepreneurship continues to thrive in today’s business world.

Tune in to the Business Beat, below, to learn more about how entrepreneurship continues to grow today:

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Are you an entrepreneur with a great story to share? If so, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll feature you on an upcoming segment of the WJR Business Beat!

Good morning, Paul!

Entrepreneurship in the USA is alive and kicking according to new data from digital.com through the pandemic. One in three people who have left a traditional job, say they’re doing it to pursue their dreams of working for themselves. According to the U S labor department, 4 million people handed in their letters of resignation in April alone, many on their way to starting their own business. Now, the stars have aligned to swing the doors, open to new ideas, new opportunities, and lots of creative energy and focus being put to work, to formulate new business models that target needs in the marketplace today and create opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs. Let’s look at whatthedigital.com study reveals about. What’s behind the wave of startups budding up in our country at a pace that is nothing short of the most prolific period in our country’s history for startup formation. So what’s driving this trend nearly half of Americans say they want better pay or benefit. 42% want to focus on their health while 41% are leaving in pursuit of something. They’re more passionate about why now the study reveals that nearly two thirds say the pandemic allowed them to get educated about what it takes to start a business while 59% say the pandemic showed them the vulnerabilities of working for someone else. Now, what are the common types of businesses being started to. Computer and it work top the list of businesses. People are starting today followed by retail, personal care, healthcare and finance industry related businesses. I believe that this is an era in which in 5 to 10 years, we’ll be talking about some of America’s most promising and game-changing businesses were born, born right on the heels of the tragic pandemic and simply put because. If you’ve been on the fence about starting a business, whether they’re full-time or part-time the time is now.

I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat, on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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