Announcing Crypto Handbook

It’s time to address the Crypto Content Quality Problem.

Dave Schools
Entrepreneurship Handbook
2 min readApr 25, 2022


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I’m thrilled to announce the launch of Crypto Handbook, the home on Medium for high-quality stories on everything cryptocurrency, including DeFi, NFTs, and Web3.

The Entrepreneur’s Handbook team has been looking forward to sharing this project with you for a long time, as it is the first extension of the “Handbook” brand, beyond entrepreneurship.

I made a video about what Crypto Handbook is, the problem it solves, why now, and how you can get involved. You can watch it here or read on below.

I founded Entrepreneur’s Handbook seven years ago after falling in love with Medium shortly after its launch. Over the years, Entrepreneur’s Handbook has grown to be a trusted voice and reliable source of quality content with hundreds of thousands of subscribers on Medium. Today, we are excited for the Handbook to branch into the world of cryptocurrency and beyond.

With this launch, we are also rolling out our Community website at Please take a look and support our work as you feel led.

The goal of Crypto Handbook is to solve the Crypto Content Quality Problem. In brief, we see two sides to the Crypto Content Quality Problem coin, if you will:

  1. The Curse of Knowledge. The information about crypto may all be true, but in order for it to be helpful, it has to resonate with the reader, not just the writer.
  2. We’re being sold something. Scams, schemes, and sketchy operations plague the cryptocurrency markets. It’s rife with hackery and new takes on Ponzi schemes.

We expect a “handbook” approach to cryptocurrency content will function as a content quality filter. We aim to provide content that is not only accessible but also genuinely helpful to Dabblers, anchored in real-life stories and decisions, and absent of any self-promotion.

View our stance on crypto and editorial guidelines here.

Calls to action

  • Have a crypto story to share? We want to hear it and potentially publish it. Submit your story here.
  • Who’s the best crypto writer you trust? Let us know and we’d be happy to reach out to them. Intros appreciated.
  • Share this post on Twitter and tag Entrepreneur’s Handbook (@ entrehandbook).
  • Get our original NFT “Cool Tech Companies” from our community and support our mission.

Thanks for reading.



#2/VP Growth at Hopin. Bylines in CNBC, BI, Inc., Trends, Axios. Founder of Entrepreneurship Handbook (230k followers). Cofounder of Party Qs app. Dad of 3.