#5. How To Make Million Dollar Decisions Like A Superforecaster w/ Regina Joseph

Learn from the Founder of Sibylink, Blendr and Pytho

Entrepreneurship Handbook
Entrepreneurship Handbook


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Inspirational stories plus practical takeaways from the entrepreneurship world.

Today’s guest is Regina Joseph. She was a pioneer of digital publication with the first-ever digital magazine, Blender, at a time when no one believed anyone would ever read online. She also created prototypes for the early forms of digital ads. She then went on to start one of the first-ever digital marketing agencies Engine.RDA.

Her entire career she’s been one step ahead of everyone else and forecasted where the market will go with abnormal accuracy. IARPA has declared her one of the world’s only Superforecasters after an intense selection process. She continues to innovate today and also coaches others on how to make better strategic forecasts through her companies Pytho and Sibylink.

  • Introduction (0:00)
  • What made Regina believe in digital publishing before everyone else (1:32)
  • The death of the print publishing industry (8:01)
  • The difficulty of selling digital ads in the early days (14:07)
  • The importance of network (19:30)
  • Building the first digital marketing agencies (21:45)
  • Overcoming technical problems to expand the possible (24:27)
  • How to innovate from zero (27:47)
  • Obsession vs balance (31:20)
  • Being one of the world’s only superforecasters (33:40)
  • What to avoid in decision making (37:10)
Image courtesy of Regina Joseph

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