Unsung Hero Spotlight: Erik Stam

To you, what is an Ecosystem Builder?

Someone that contributes to making economies more entrepreneurial and increases well-being in that way

What motivates you as an ecosystem builder?

Provide better insights into entrepreneurial ecosystems work, and how to make them better

What is the most successful/impactful program/event/thing you do/have done in your ecosystem?

Improving the metrics of entrepreneurial ecosystems as input to a process of collective learning, how to improve the economy

What is the biggest challenge you face as an Ecosystem Builder?

Activating and connecting the different ‘worlds’ involved in the improvement of ecosystems

What is your biggest frustration as an ecosystem builder?

Improving ecosystems is often a shot in the dark

What ecosystem building skill/knowledge do you want to gain?

Improving the metrics and in particular the leadership of ecosystems

What are the most important things that need to happen to advance the field of ecosystem building?

Joining forces!

How can we support you in your efforts?

Co-develop a platform of ecosystem metrics and good practices.


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