Launch413 Begins Phase 2, Investing in More Companies!

Launch413 Logo 2018

Launch413 is itself a startup, and like all startups has lots of hypothesis to test. I’m proud to share that we just completed Phase 1 and validated all of our core hypothesis:

  • With our help startups accomplish in months what would have taken them years to do on their own
  • Our Venture Advisors can provide that help in a scalable-way
  • There are enough startups connected to our region that want our kind of investment

Time for Phase 2: take on twice as many startups to make sure our systems scale. If everything works as we expect (within the bounds of startup land :)), then in a few short years we will, every year thereafter, help 4-8 local companies reach at least $3 million in revenue. Do that for a few years and the jobs, wealth, and prosperity created starts to get really exciting!

So we’re looking to add 3 more companies to our portfolio. If you know a great startup past the I-have-an-idea / VVM stage and raring to reach their first $10 million in revenue, please send them to our spiffy new website:

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