Unsung Hero Spotlight: Nida Ansari

Nida is new to the Indiana ecosystem and since moving in 2021 serves on the boards of Pack Away Hunger and the Immigrant Welcome Center. She also mentors at various accelerators and advises local entrepreneurs with a particular focus on underrepresented founders. She is a founding member of Hardtech Indiana, a committee serving the hardtech entrepreneurs in the state, as well as pioneering Networking with Purpose, where professionals assemble to network while doing good work in their local community. In her time in Indiana she has been selected as IBJ’s 40 under 40 for her work in the Indiana ecosystem. She hopes to continue building an ecosystem that meets entrepreneurs where they are at in their journeys.

To you, what is an Ecosystem Builder?

Someone who helps to build an environment that primarily serves entrepreneurship to meet founders where they’re at in their journey by providing access to resources like capital, workforce, etc to help them grow and scale. This core group of entrepreneurs is served by layers of resources, and even includes things like legal services, advisory teams, daycare, etc.

Ultimately a successful ecosystem builder has built a kind of marketplace (problems and solutions, buyers and sellers) that is self sustaining.

What motivates you as an ecosystem builder?

Ecosystem building is a flywheel that can feel thankless. Inertia at the outset is high, and it’s tough to see the light at the end of the tunnel because it feels like you’re working against the laws of physics.

But once the flywheel is going, it’s quite karmic – the ecosystem, by definition becomes self sustaining, connections happen more efficiently and organically – and progress becomes easy to see. That’s the part that motivates me.

What is the most successful/impactful program/event/thing you do/have done in your ecosystem?

Serving on the Hardtech Indiana committee.

What is the biggest challenge you face as an Ecosystem Builder?

Tracking impact- I think about what defines success for an ecosystem builder? Who are our stakeholders?

What is your biggest frustration as an ecosystem builder?

How hard it can be to see and feel progress!

What ecosystem building skill/knowledge do you want to gain?

I’m always on the lookout for tools that help map networks

What are the most important things that need to happen to advance the field of ecosystem building?

More connections across ecosystems so builders can learn from those who have built.

How Can We Support You in Your Efforts

Spread the word about the merits of the Indiana ecosystem!

Where Can People Learn More About Your Work?


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