5 Things You Need to Delete to Acquire Startup Success (Even if You’ve Already Been Successful)

Success really is rented, not bought, and earned every day

Rachel Greenberg
Entrepreneurship Handbook
8 min readAug 31, 2023


5 things you need to delete to acquire startup success (even if you’ve already been successful). Success really is rented, not bought, and earned every day. Here are 5 ways to lower that rent and get you closer to that goal.
Photo by chris robert on Unsplash

There’s a six-word phrase I’ve probably repeated more than any other statement in my life, to which I often receive knee-jerk pushback. I’m sure I’ve likely uttered this phrase at the very beginning of my



Wall Street Investment Banker → Entrepreneur & Startup Consultant. “Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2020” Yahoo Finance. CEO of Beta Bowl. Mom of 3 furbabies ❤