How to Name Your Coworking Space

By Liz Elam On August 25, 2020 In CoworkingCoworking Trends

Photo of coworking spot

We are calling it now, there are going to be new coworking spaces opening as people head “back to work” but not back to the office. The amount of people who will be able to choose where they work on a regular basis (and realize their couch is not ideal) is going to grow.

So, for those of you that are in the planning stages, let’s talk about naming your space. We see it all the time, a dash in coworking and a name that has already been done.

Save yourself and follow these 10 rules:

  1. It’s coworking not co-working – see AP Stylebook or this blog
  2. Google the name you thought of and if another coworking space in the world uses that name or a version of that name, let it go. You don’t need a lawsuit.
  3. Don’t use “Co” anything they’ve all been done. Same goes for hive or hub or space or club.
  4. Have a story to tell about your name, you will be asked often.
  5. Get the trademark.
  6. Buy the domain name immediately (If you can’t get .com we like .co or .space or .org). Snag the social handles for it while you are at it.
  7. Run the name by family and friends.
  8. Hire a professional (not your cousin) to create your logo.
  9. Think about your values and how your name/logo could represent your brand.
  10. Pick something you love. You’re going to say it a million times.

See, easy peasy. Congratulations on joining the best industry in the world. You’re gonna love it. For more juicy content, join membership and get access to the entire GCUC resource library!