Impact Hub Caracas: innovative education for the next generation

Change starts in the classroom and Impact Hub Caracas is leading the way. Their initiative, ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ (Youth Creating Impact), transcends the boundaries of traditional education; touching the lives of over 42,000 teenagers, including those in indigenous, rural, and remote areas. As Impact Hub Caracas continues to push the boundaries of education and empowerment, they hold a powerful vision to transform programme into public policy that will shape the destinies of countless children in their nation.

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One of Impact Hub Caracas’ most significant initiatives has been the development of ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ (Youth Creating Impact). This groundbreaking programme is more than an educational curriculum; it’s a lifeline for vulnerable communities. So far, it has reached over 42,000 teenagers, including those in indigenous, rural, and remote areas.


Shaping young minds for impact

Impact Hub Caracas places immense importance on ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ as it grapples with pivotal questions. These questions revolve around preventing early pregnancies by daring young girls to dream of becoming tech or social entrepreneurs. Simultaneously, it also seeks to encourage young boys to pursue innovation and knowledge in order to deter them from the influences of drug dealing prevalent in their slums. At its core, the mission of ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ is to cultivate the future generation of impact entrepreneurs. This is accomplished by empowering children with the necessary resources to make informed decisions and to envision their ambitions.

Following three years of pilot programmes focused on sexual and reproductive health and rights, Impact Hub Caracas sought ways to scale their impact. With support from a European Embassy, they brought together a consortium of experts and innovators in fields such as education, peace, human rights, and gender equality. Together, with technical assistance from the UN Population Fund, they co-designed a high-impact curriculum for Fe y Alegría, Venezuela’s largest network of public schools. This curriculum is designed to be experiential and practical, incorporating challenges, interactive exercises, and both printed and digital materials. It has now been integrated into Fe y Alegría’s permanent programming, ensuring a lasting impact. 

Change starts in the classroom

In 2022, they kicked off ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ by training regional leaders from Fe y Alegría and providing them with incentives to share the curriculum with fellow teachers. Fast forward to 2023, and teachers are now bringing this transformative curriculum to life in classrooms. They have also secured additional funding to create videos and resources that enhance the programme’s diversity and inclusion content. 


As Impact Hub Caracas continues to push the boundaries of education and empowerment, they have a powerful vision. They dream of ‘Jóvenes que Impactan’ evolving into more than just a programme; they aspire to see it become a public policy that shapes the destinies of countless children in their nation. 

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