cloud technology

How Cloud Technology Enables Budding Entrepreneurs to Work Smarter

There is no doubt that cloud technology continues to grow in popularity; we’re using it in our personal lives more than ever before, and businesses are adopting cloud infrastructure and applications to improve workplace collaboration, productivity and even security.

Paving the way for a new wave of business leaders

One great thing about the cloud is that that it’s opened up new doors for budding entrepreneurs. There are many people out there who have a fantastic business idea, as well as the ambition and drive to become their own boss, yet the financial aspect of running their own business puts them off from taking a leap of faith.

With cloud technology, that no longer needs to be the case. It removes the need for entrepreneurs to pay for a brick-and-mortar location and hardware installations, instantly cutting down on overhead and other associated costs. This can be even more of a blessing for those living in cities with higher commercial property rental prices.

Entrepreneurs will not find themselves with a shortage of cloud-based tools to choose from, as there seems to be a tool that can help with almost anything. For example, many business owners will tell you that accounting is one of the most tedious and time-consuming tasks, but with the help of cloud technology, things like payroll and expenses are significantly sped up.

Using cloud technology as your business grows

As your business grows, you may decide to take on a couple of staff members. At this point, you may consider renting office space, too. However, there’s no reason why you can’t form a business in which all employees work remotely, at least until you’re sure you can afford to pay both wages and property overhead.

Cloud technology can facilitate small remote teams in so many ways. First, it makes resource sharing extremely easy. Take Google Drive and Dropbox, for example. Both of these tools can be accessed and used by multiple users at any time. As your company grows, make sure there is consistency with the software and tools your team uses in order to maximize collaboration and productivity.

If your team works remotely, then it’s vital to invest in software that can aid business communication. It’s best to look for an integrated solution that encompasses voice calls, instant messaging, email and video conferencing. This makes not only talking to your employees easier, but your clients, too, cutting down on travel time and costs. Though it’s not to say you should carry out all of your communications this way, because face-to-face interaction is still incredibly valuable.

You’ll probably wonder how your business can remain secure when you take on additional employees, who potentially have access to sensitive company and client information. The misconception that cloud technology is less secure than other systems is simply not the case, and growing startups have multiple options when it comes to keeping their data safe.

Additionally, staff should be trained on how to stay safe when working in the cloud by storing sensitive data locally, checking for encryption and avoiding using unsecured, public WiFi networks.

Related: The Beginner’s Guide: Cloud Storage Tips for Entrepreneurs

What’s in store for your business and the cloud?

Choosing a handful of cloud-based tools that you can roll out across your company is an easy and cost-effective way to consolidate many of your startup’s processes. It’s never too late for entrepreneurs and startups to consider how they can incorporate this technology into their own day-to-day operations.

Previously published Feb. 19, 2020.

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