Weekly 🔥 19: How to sell your startup to VCs in one minute

Entrepreneurship Handbook
Entrepreneurship Handbook
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3 min readOct 25, 2022


Welcome to another edition of our new newsletter! You’ll receive the best practical startup advice straight to your inbox every week.

In this week’s edition, we share:

  1. Why your pitch deck has one minute to sell investors on your startup
  2. The 7 types of startup founder, and why it matters to you

Let’s do this.

P.s. Listen to our latest podcast episode w/ Henri Pierre Jacques here

How to grab a VC’s attention in just 1 minute

When DC Palter receives a pitch, it has his attention for a minute. Or less. Time is his most precious commodity. So, it’s your job to craft a deck that fits investors’ way of reading it and not the other way around. So how do you sell a VC in a minute (or less)? A few pointers:

  • The goal isn’t investment (yet) — The pitch is an overview, similar to a resume. The deck only needs to get the VC excited that the startup looks like the 1 in 100 that will be a great investment.
  • Focus on storytelling — At this stage, it’s the story, not the details. Sell A VC on why this will be the greatest investment they’ll ever make.
  • Keep it simple — Get the problem down to 1 line. Get the solution down to 1 line. Get the market size down to a diagram.
  • Rely on graphics — A picture is worth a thousand words. Put everything possible into graphics.
  • Include deal terms — A pitch deck without deal terms is like a restaurant menu without prices. Without knowing the valuation, there’s no point in looking at the deck.
  • Make it professional (duh) — Hire a graphic designer who understands pitch decks.

👉 Go deeper: Your Pitch Deck Has 1 Minute to Sell Me on Your Startup

Which type of startup founder are you? (And why it matters)

With four out of five founders forced to step down as CEO of their companies, you need to develop a critical attribute if you want to avoid — or be able to plan for — the same fate: self-awareness. It’s helpful to understand the different types of founders, as shared by Pete Sena:

  1. The Solo Founder — Whether it’s big ideas and sales ability, or operations and execution, you know what your Green Zone is, and you play there.
  2. The Visionary Founder — You see the true potential in everything and never compromise on that vision.
  3. The Serial Disruptor — You have varied interests (and are easily bored) and are eager to apply your principles to multiple problems.
  4. The Engineer — You are tech savvy, usually focused on agility, fast learning, and execution above all else.
  5. The Personality Founder — You utilize your charisma and ability to entertain to shape your brands and pave the way to success (building a personal brand).
  6. The Accidental Founder — You find the riches in the niches and discover marketplaces with little or no competition.
  7. The Intentional Founder — You are purpose-driven, with strong ideals and values that are often socially conscious.

👉 Find out what type of founder you are: The 7 Types of Startup Founders: Why It Matters To You

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