The real guide to building a business from someone who has built Europe's first on-demand fuel business

The real guide to building a business from someone who has built Europe's first on-demand fuel business

Building a business or startup is hard and risky. You have to be dedicated, and motivated a reduce your chances of failure. In this article, I want to give you some of the learnings and lessons for you to make your side hustle and business successful.

Check out what we had build here:

Lessons learned from Building Europe’s first OnDemand fuel station from its COO
Before Shell tap-up and Cafu and others, we built Europe’s first on demand fuel station. We saw the future, we had an amazing team and we were ready to go. I was the COO of pompfuel and we were there from the start.

Think about what you are good at and passionate about and concentrate on that.

The building is so hard that loving what you do wll make you stick to it even in the hardest of times and keep figuring things out until you start generating revenue. Try to think about the future and what people will need. For example now in a recession what will people be using more and what is not a good business to start.

Test our your market first before you invest time into a product

I keep telling this to entrepreneurs. Make sure you test your market out before you invest time and energy into the actual product. Get up a signup basic page up to show that people are willing to pay for your product or service. Show the price and take emails (with even a potential launch date in the future) so you can show people are willing to pay. IF its a basic SAAS get a very basic MVP up and dont spend to much time on the product or UXIU

Once you have validated start work on the product

Once you have sign-ups then start work on the actual product! Market the product and continue to grow the product.

Apply for an accelerator if you think its worth doing.

Accelerators like YC can provide real value to any startup or business and we have written a bunch of articles on this so make sure to check them out!

Is antler or any accelerator worth doing to start my company
Entrepreneurs do need a lot of support and it’s not easy to build a company. The antler ecosystem is great and the networking with high caliber people is top-notch. If you are looking for an experience that combines motivation top MBA compared with seasoned entrepreneurs such as myself, (feel free t…
Is Techstars accelerator worth doing? Should you do it? By a former Techstars COO
Techstars and Y-combinator are by far some of the world’s best startup accelerators, should you get accepted to any of these you should not take it lightly. The investment teams at both are highly skilled at choosing the right companies and usually have a ton of experience dealing with the right sor…

Build the tech and infrastructure for scaling the product

Now that you have a bunch of paying clients you will need to invest time, energy, and money into building and scaling the business and technology. This may require venture capital funding so the sooner you start talking to investors the better for your business.  

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