Problems Entrepreneurs Face When Starting a Business


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What Are Problems Entrepreneurs Face When Starting a Business?

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What Are Problems Entrepreneurs Face When Starting a Business?

From lack of capital to not taking on enough debt, here are 13 answers to the question, “What is a common problem entrepreneurs face when starting a business?”

  • Struggling to Establish Work-Life Balance
  • Lacking a Clear Target Market
  • Hiring from Inside
  • Maintaining Confidence
  • Not Taking on Enough Debt
  • Having an Inconsistent Profit Stream
  • Getting Overwhelmed With Startup Tasks
  • Finding the Right Support
  • Dealing With Imposter Syndrome
  • Balancing Everything as an Entrepreneur
  • Relying Heavily on Feedback from Friends and Family
  • Experiencing Tunnel Vision
  • Undervaluing Themselves

Struggling to Establish Work-Life Balance

The problem many entrepreneurs face, especially when starting their first business, is finding the right balance between work and private life. People feel that they finally “work for themselves” and often struggle with setting a defined line between their work and free time.

I’ve seen many new entrepreneurs who are always at work, even when they should be resting. For many, it’s hard to say no to additional projects, even though they know they’re working too much. It’s a dangerous approach that can lead to burnout and negatively affect our relationships.

That’s why it is essential to set regular working hours and assign time for family, friends, and hobbies. It might be challenging at first, but it will positively influence your performance and long-term job satisfaction.

Dorota LysieniaDorota Lysienia
Community Manager, LiveCareer

Lacking a Clear Target Market

One common problem that entrepreneurs face when starting a business is the lack of a clear target market. For example, let’s say someone starts a business selling an innovative product that they believe is useful for a wide range of customers.

Without a clear understanding of who their target audience is, they may struggle to market and sell their product effectively, wasting time and resources on ineffective marketing strategies. This can lead to a lack of sales and, ultimately, the failure of the business.

By conducting market research and developing a clear target market, entrepreneurs can better understand their potential customers and tailor their marketing efforts to reach and engage them effectively.

Adrian PereiraAdrian Pereira
Co-Founder, Eco Pea Co.

Hiring from Inside

It’s difficult to determine who you need to hire for your new business, and for what jobs. Ask yourself what your own weaknesses are to determine the answer to this dilemma.

Ask yourself what your own weaknesses are and where you need to improve as an entrepreneur. From there, look to hire people who can fulfill those weak areas and round out your strengths to create a well-rounded team who can support your business.

Sumeer KaurSumeer Kaur
CEO, Lashkaraa

Maintaining Confidence

As a small business coach and consultant, I often mentor entrepreneurs on how to develop and nurture a robust mindset. Without self-belief and unwavering confidence in your idea, you are setting yourself up for failure. It’s amazing how your own doubt or belief affects those around you, either motivating them or encouraging them to start their search for a new position.

As an entrepreneur, the first step to building a robust mindset is to change your language. Simple adjustments, like swapping out “might succeed” for “will succeed,” work wonders for adjusting your way of thinking.

Ronald OsborneRonald Osborne
Founder, Ronald Osborne Business Consultancy

Not Taking on Enough Debt

Taking out a loan to create a solid cash flow is a good, and often necessary, business practice, especially when first starting a business. Going into debt can be scary, but the right investments in your business can be very fruitful in the long run.

Plus, bootstrapping won’t keep the business going or growing. Many entrepreneurs make the common mistake of actively avoiding debt when first starting their venture—often it’ll take going into the negative to get your business established before you can even think about growth.

Dakota McDanielsDakota McDaniels
Chief Product Officer, Pluto

Having an Inconsistent Profit Stream

As most startup businesses begin, they often experience financial volatility as they struggle to gain new customers and generate consistent revenue. This makes budgeting for start-up costs, payroll, and operating expenses far more challenging than if there was more stability within the income stream for the organization and its founders.

Establishing a steady income source is essential for any business, but making that happen can only prove possible with sufficient capital, marketing, or operational resources. Not to mention the unavoidable speed bumps that come with introducing any kind of product or service onto the open market‌. By working hard to create a viable budget and developing sound strategies to bring in reliable customers, entrepreneurs are setting themselves up for greater success in the long run.

Jamie IrwinJamie Irwin
Marketing Executive, Service Club Delivery

Getting Overwhelmed With Startup Tasks

When starting a new business, entrepreneurs can often get very overwhelmed by all the different areas of growth they can focus on.

For example, they can create a new website, work on company branding, create a social media strategy, pick out marketing channels to experiment with, and so on, on the first day.

With so many important things to do, it can be very hard for a newbie entrepreneur to decide what to start with and how to prioritize these tasks.

Nick ZviadadzeNick Zviadadze
Founder, MintSEO

Finding the Right Support

When I founded my business, one of my biggest challenges was finding the right support. I had confidence in my vision, but that didn’t mean other people would. I had to fight to be taken seriously, and sometimes I felt like giving up.

Building a strong network helped me to gain valuable advice, encouragement, and guidance as I navigated the process. I reached out, made contacts, and cultivated relationships. This enabled me to increase my opportunities, access help, and feel less isolated on my journey.

Being an entrepreneur is hard work, which demands a lot of your time and energy. We sometimes feel like we have to do it all. Sometimes that was my only option, so I learned pretty quickly to accept any help that was offered, personally as well as professionally.

There’s a lot of pressure, responsibility, and stress involved in starting a business, so remember, there’s no shame in reaching out to those you trust to get the support you need.

Kathy BennettKathy Bennett
CEO and Founder, Bennett Packaging

Dealing With Imposter Syndrome

Starting a business is a tumultuous time and requires a steady hand. However, entrepreneurs are only human, and self-doubt is a major roadblock. We are vulnerable to imposter syndrome, causing us to doubt our own abilities, skills, and competence. We convince ourselves that we are merely imposters, and eventually, our clients, employees, or investors will expose us as frauds.

Overcoming imposter syndrome requires serious self-reflection and you won’t resolve this overnight. However, there are active steps you can take that will help build your confidence and provide reassurance:

  1. Never let self-doubt stop you. Feel the fear and do it, anyway.
  2. Recognize your achievements along the way and take credit for them.
  3. Remember that professional development is lifelong and never ends.

As your business takes off, your confidence will grow, and your insecurities will shrink. Until then, do not allow imposter syndrome to stifle your dreams.

Oliver SavillOliver Savill
CEO and Founder, Assessment Day

Balancing Everything as an Entrepreneur

When starting a business, many entrepreneurs try to do everything themselves; however, delegating tasks to others can reduce their workload and free up time for other important tasks.

When you transition from “spinning the plates” to ensuring the plates are spinning, balancing everything becomes much easier. You should delegate authority over some work-related decisions to your employees; this is also beneficial to them as a way of empowering them while keeping them engaged.

Richard StaffordRichard Stafford
CEO, Fettle

Relying Heavily on Feedback from Friends and Family

Starting a new business is scary, so it’s natural to look for reassurance from those closest to you. The problem is, if your friends and family aren’t familiar with entrepreneurship, they might think they’re “protecting” you by discouraging you from taking risks and keeping you “safe.” This might come out in direct comments meant to make you second-guess yourself or indirect comments that gradually erode your self-confidence.

At the other end of the spectrum, you might have friends and family who act as over-enthusiastic cheerleaders, preventing you from having a realistic view of your business. When starting a business, I find it better to discuss it within your team or with other entrepreneurs you respect.

Larissa PickensLarissa Pickens
Co-Founder, Worksion

Experiencing Tunnel Vision

Starting a business requires entrepreneurs to focus on many moving pieces simultaneously. The most intimidating piece is the actual execution of their ideas. Most entrepreneurs spend months, if not years, refining their business in their minds; when it comes time to execute strategies, they are often too close to the project and can miss important details.

Being overly invested in your own business is 100% natural and is not a bad thing, but it also means that your ability to assess strategies and adjust them is not as straightforward as it would be if you were assessing someone else’s strategy. Having someone who can provide you with an unbiased, outside perspective can help you avoid this problem.

Inbar MadarInbar Madar
Founder and Business Consultant, MI Business Consulting

Undervaluing Themselves

Many entrepreneurs starting out are more concerned about getting clients/customers that they lowball their services too much. It’s OK to discount a little when starting out, but by a reasonable amount such as 10%-20%.

If you start too low, then you will only attract clients/customers that don’t value you and can never increase those rates. Go for the clients that see your value and will respect you. Those are the clients you want long term.

Lisa ComeauLisa Comeau
President, Novan Group Inc.

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