WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Small Business Marketing 101 Requires SEO (Episode 265)

On today’s Business Beat, Jeff talks to Shay Berman, founder and president of marketing company Digital Resource and StartupNation’s digital marketing expert, about why SEO is the key to creating awareness for your business.

Tune in to the Business Beat, below, to learn more tips about SEO and how to put it to work for your business:

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Jeff: Good morning, Paul!

You know, as a startup and small business expert, I get bombarded with questions about how to do this and how to do that if I’m going to start a new business. But the question I think I get more than any other is: how do I create awareness for my business? How do I market what it is that I’m selling? How do I drive leads and sales? Well, at StartupNation, we make it our business to have the answers, and to help provide those answers, we’ve got an expert.

His name is Shay Berman. He is the founder and president of Digital Resource, a full-service online marketing company, and he’s going to help us understand what low-cost but highly effective marketing tactics, small businesses should consider to create awareness, leads and sales for your business.

Today’s topic: how to utilize search engine optimization, also known as SEO. Shay, first tell us what SEO is.

Shay: Search engine optimization is a process of getting your business to rank well on Google. So, let’s say you’re a dental practice. You want to show up when someone is looking for the best dental practice in Detroit, for example, and search engine optimization is a process of getting your website to rank well in the organic section. The organic section that SEO refers to is the section that, really, most people go to get the results. 80% of consumers prefer results from that organic section, and it’s usually the businesses that are hiring the best marketing companies to get them to the top of the organic search.

Jeff: OK, Shay. So, we know we need to be doing search engine optimization, but how do we do it?

Shay: So, Google has hundreds of rules about what a business should do online in order to get the best rankings, and the thing is: they don’t even tell you what those rules are. Google gives you suggestions but will not give you the playbook. So, a SEO’s job, a search engine optimizer’s job, is to kind of know the science and the art behind SEO to play to Google’s rules to get you those rankings.

Jeff: OK, so whether you do it yourself or have someone do it for you, SEO is the blocking and tackling of online marketing and, simply put, it’s a must. To get you pointed in the right direction, reach out to Shay and his team. You can find them online at yourdigitalresource.com.

I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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