Weekly 🔥 30: The value of women founders

Entrepreneurship Handbook
Entrepreneurship Handbook
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2 min readMar 7, 2023


In this week’s edition, we discuss

  • The value of women founders in combatting short-termism,
  • How hate mail can be an entrepreneur’s secret weapon.

P.S. If you’re deep in the entrepreneurial trenches and have a story to tell, we’d love to read it (and publish it).

The value of women founders in combatting short-termism

Short-termism is often the root cause of most startup failures. But, teams with a more diverse founding team performed 63% better than all-male founding teams. Why? Because women founders naturally possess 6 important qualities that combat short-termism:

  1. Women focus on long-term goals over short-term gains.
  2. Women tend to have a higher Emotional Intelligence.
  3. Women tend to be more risk-aware than men.
  4. Women prioritize social impact.
  5. Women are great at collaboration and consensus-building.

Women founders bring a unique perspective to the table. Their qualities, experiences, and insights can help startups make better decisions, innovate according to a long-term strategy, and identify the right opportunities for growth.

So, as we celebrate Women’s Month, here’s to the women fighting for their space in the entrepreneurship world.

👉 Dive deeper: The Value of Women Founders in Combating Short-termism

An entrepreneur’s secret weapon? Hate mail

Rachel Greenberg has dealt with hate mail directed at her business, and it’s led her to a profound lesson for all entrepreneurs who receive criticism (or trolling),

Don’t take all the bait — just the nugget of gold.

You never know when a supposed “hater” will offer a genuine, objective insight that will reframe how you view your current operations and trigger material changes or improvements. As far as I’m concerned, the hate mail that doesn’t hurt you only makes you stronger, and sometimes you have to dig through a pile of you-know-what to uncover the nugget of gold.

My suggestion? Delete emotion, read the emails with an open, objective, curious mind, and wish the haters well as you leverage their accidental nuggets of gold for your company’s benefit.

👉 Dive deeper: A Hate Letter to My Company Forced Us to Stop Playing It Safe

Till next time,

Team EH



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