Weekly 🔥 #13: The Introvert’s Guide to Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship Handbook
Entrepreneurship Handbook
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3 min readJul 19, 2022


Welcome to another edition of our new newsletter! You’ll receive the best practical startup advice straight to your inbox every week.

In this week’s edition, we discuss:

  1. Tactics to master entrepreneurship, marketing and sales
  2. Building huge social audiences
  3. The defining qualities of successful entrepreneurs

Let’s get into it.

The introvert’s guide to entrepreneurship

Rachel Greenberg graduated from unsuccessful attempted sales calls to running multiple businesses that make 6+figures for just a few hours’ worth of work. Here she shares 8 tactics she uses to master entrepreneurship, marketing and sales (even if you’re an extreme introvert), including:

  • Don’t get creative — Create a blurb of go-to questions, and leave the improvisation to those more comfortable with it.
  • Exclusivity is a great excuse — People don’t necessarily deserve access to you. Limit your availability, and set boundaries.
  • Absence is better than insecurity — no sales call is far better than a bad or insecure sales call. You can always steer clients to online conversion channels or outsource sales calls to someone confident and competent who can well-represent your brand.
  • The why matters — If sales feels like a benevolent service, you could be selling the wrong thing. Once you find or create something that you believe positively benefits customers’ lives, all of the icky-feeling reservations fade away.

👉 Learn more tactics here

Serial entrepreneurship and building huge audiences

This week’s guest is best-selling author and serial entrepreneur Dave Kerpen. He’s founded companies such as Likeable, Apprentice, and Remembering Life, and he’s built a huge audience on social media, with nearly 700,000 followers on LinkedIn. In this episode, you’ll learn to,

  • Manage the dynamics of having a business partner (and why boundaries are vitally important if your business partner is also your life partner.)
  • The key traits needed for success, including courage, persistence and likeability.
  • How to build social media audiences — through content that the algos are promoting, and levelling up who your content focuses on.
  • And many, many other insights and stories, delivered with such energy and excitement that it has even got us inspired.

👉 Learn from this serial entrepreneur

The 9 qualities of successful entrepreneurs

Al Anany has worked with all kinds of clients, from startups that raised over $100 million to others who turned out to be fraudulent individuals. And by analyzing their work and his experience with them, he’s uncovered some of their qualities and actions behind why they’re successful (or not):

  • “We don’t talk money.” — Be quality focused, and think about the ROI behind anything you do, rather than driven by budgets and constraints.
  • “I’ll keep working with you till I die” — When relationships work well, do everything in your power to keep them.
  • “Who said anything about becoming the next PayPal?” — Often, it’s not about being the next [insert already established product]. Those who spot the openings for something new have all the chance of success.
  • “I use it” — Creating a product based on the problem you are witnessing establishes a sense of ownership and responsibility for your product.

👉 More qualities of successful entrepreneurs

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