GCUC Online: Enabling Technology Follow up

By Stormy McBride On May 7, 2020 In TechConferenceGCUC WebinarsCOVID-19

As promised we gathered up the unanswered questions from our GCUC online event on the 21st and tracked down the answers for you.

Below are the questions from the Enabling technology session with our Global Partner essensys and Instant.

Is there research on members feelings regarding being tracked with sensors?

There is no data on this that I have access too. When tracking was first introduced individuals did not take to it particularly well but it did require logging in to an app on your phone which felt much more invasive. Our phones track us every minute of the day so people are becoming more accepting. That being said I would advise presenting a clear benefit for the tracking to make it more palatable. – James Rankin, Instant

How big a role does the tech play in member wellness? I see a huge range of possibilities, from zero to total next-level stuff.

Personally I think it plays a huge role. The important thing to remember about any tech is its integration into normal activity. Anything that creates friction, no matter the end benefit can create a negative experience.- James Rankin, Instant

Do we envision a Health Standard check or “badge” for spaces down the road?  a coworking space that meets a level of physical and mental health criteria?

I think that this will happen certainly, exactly what it looks like is debatable. I think productivity scores, Green scores and Wellness scores will all be looked at. -James Rankin, Instant

Will there be a scenario where people self-rank their own mental, and physical health metrics?

I believe so. There are already platforms and apps that allow you to check in and rank how you are feeling at any given time. It wont be long before that turns into a common offering. Todays amenities are tomorrows standards.- GCUC

What do we consider Health Technology? Can coworking engage with health in light of privacy?

I think this can include use of technology from one extreme to the other. At the low end is introducing contractless entry into a space. At the other you could use sensors to scan individuals heat signatures and identify those that potentially could be ill. Another more invasive approach would be to integrate heart rate monitors or activity trackers into an office. High heat rates could trigger more soothing lighting for instance while activity trackers could be linked to stand up desks to encourage different behaviors. -James Rankin, Instant