How entrepreneurs can balance work and family to survive and thrive during this pandemic

WORK-LIFE BALANCE PANDEMICContributed by Dr. Gleb Tsipursky, disaster avoidance expert, speaker and author. 

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has changed life as we know it, as well as how we manage our households. While being shut mostly in our homes or observing infection prevention guidelines when leaving our house, it can be pretty hard to grapple with the reality of the world in which we now live. And yet, this is what we must all do to survive and thrive in this new abnormal.

Same home, different house rules?

Susan is an entrepreneur, EO member and current coaching client of mine. She reached out to me for help because her household was having a difficult time adjusting to the long-term impact of our new pandemic reality. As the founder of a 20-person startup in the medical devices industry, she was used to a routine and thrived by keeping her work life separate from her personal life.

However, as the months of staying at home went by, her relationship with her husband, who was the main caretaker of their 9-year-old child pre-pandemic, started to erode. She found it difficult to concentrate on her startup due to frequent interruptions from her husband and child, and she found herself becoming more and more curt with them.

It was hard enough when school was cancelled in the early months of the pandemic, as well as summer camp. When Susan learned that in the fall her son’s school would be online only, she knew she needed help. She called me after reading my article written for EO’s Inc. channel about the challenges of entrepreneurs failing to treat the pandemic as a marathon and instead approaching it like a sprint.

When I met with Susan over Zoom, I told her that there were some essential steps that she needed to take in order to adjust to the new COVID-19 reality.

Know and face this new abnormal

First and foremost, we won’t get anywhere if we don’t face the facts. We need to acknowledge that COVID-19 fundamentally disrupted our world, turning it upside down in just a few weeks. We have to move past the discomfort of the normalcy bias and our intuitive feeling that the novel coronavirus will disappear and we can just get back to normal.

Regrettably, it will not disappear; believing that it will helped get us mired so deep in this mess, making the US outbreak the worst in the world in terms of the number of deaths. The normalcy bias is one of over a hundred dangerous judgment errors that scholars in cognitive neuroscience, psychology and behavioral economics like myself call cognitive biases.

They result from a combination of our evolutionary background and specific structural features in how our brains are wired. These mental blindspots impact all areas of our life, from health to politics and even shopping, as a survey by a comparison purchasing website reveals.

How your household can survive and thrive in the pandemic

So how can your household effectively adapt to the uncertainty and dislocation that accompanies this new abnormal?

While you’re in a new abnormal, your underlying needs and wants remain the same. You must figure out different ways toward satisfying them.

You might have heard of Abraham Maslow’s theory of human motivation and the pyramid of needs based on his work. More recent research, summarized in Scott Barry Kaufman’s excellent book Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, revises this model to show that our fundamental needs consist of safety, connection and self-esteem, and we will feel deprived without them. We also have needs that help us achieve our full potential through personal growth, what Maslow called “self- actualization” and what Kaufman more clearly defined as exploration, love and purpose.

A good approach to adapting to the new abnormal is evaluating your life through the lens of these needs and ensuring that you can still satisfy them.

Connect to others

The most challenging element for Susan stemmed from the fundamental need of connection to others. It’s a topic I describe in much more depth in my book, The Blindspots Between Us: How to Overcome Unconscious Cognitive Bias and Build Better Relationships.

First, consider your immediate connections with members of the household.

If you have a romantic partner in your household, you’ll have to figure out how to interact in a healthy manner given that you’re likely together 24/7. You’ll get into each other’s spaces and on each other’s nerves. It’s much wiser to anticipate and work out these problems in advance than have them blow up down the road.

The same principle applies to other members of your family. If you have older children who moved home after university closed, or younger children who aren’t going to school after it closed, you’ll need to figure out how to deal with them being cooped up inside. This includes staying in touch with their schools to get updates on online school work.

You’ll have to put more thought into dealing with older adults over 60 or anyone with underlying health conditions in your household (including yourself if you fit either category). Given their much greater vulnerability to COVID-19, you and other members of your household need to take serious measures to prevent them from getting ill. That means being more careful yourself than you would otherwise be, since over half of all those with COVID-19 have no or light symptoms.

Second, what about your connection to those who you care about who aren’t part of your household?

Your romantic partner might not be part of your household. Depending on how vulnerable to COVID-19 you and other members of your household might be, you might choose to take the risk of physical intimacy with your romantic partner, but you have to make this decision consciously rather than casually. Or you might choose to have a social-distance relationship, meeting at a distance of 10 feet or by videoconference.

During one of our coaching sessions, Susan said she hadn’t realized how strained her relationship with her husband was until I had pointed out the need for healthy interaction while being together 24/7. After our talk, she sat down with her husband to have a serious conversation about the situation.

Together, they decided to stick to their own separate routines, have their own spaces apart (with Susan spending time at her home office and her husband and child spending the days accomplishing school work in the living area), and come together as a family after the workday is done—as they would have before the pandemic.

Soon after, they also sat down and talked with their young child regarding COVID-19, remaining calm and simply discussing what they, as a family, needed to do to stay healthy. Due to their reassuring manner, their child expressed more willingness to open up to them about any worries he might have regarding the pandemic.


Towards the end of our coaching sessions, Susan informed me that she had finally established a balanced work-life routine that suits her and protects her relationships with her loved ones.

While the new abnormal ushered in by COVID-19 has brought unprecedented changes to our lives, there’s no reason you can’t survive and thrive in the new abnormal. You just need to identify, anticipate, and take care of your fundamental needs.

As CEO of Disaster Avoidance Experts, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is on a mission to protect entrepreneurs from dangerous judgment errors known as cognitive biases by developing the most effective decision-making strategies. His newest book is Adapt and Plan for the New Abnormal of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic (2020).



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